St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
Las Vegas, NV
Whether you donate your time, money, services, or expertise every little bit helps us to better serve our community.
Find out more about our ministries and ways to help below.
Lord, God and Savior of all, we thank You for the blessings of St. John the Baptist Church in our lives. May Your Word become alive in each and every one of us who strive to follow You. Please bless and multiply all the gifts
~time, talent, and treasure~
which are given in thanks to benefit our mission and glorify Your Name. Bless and multiply the givers and help us all to make present Your Kingdom. For You are the Giver of all that is good O Christ our God, and to You we give glory, together with Your Father Who is without beginning and Your all-holy and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
Click the link below to give a one time or monthly Stewardship donation online.
You can also make donations for Trays, Memorials, Divine Services, Church School, Capital Investment, Candles, or General Donations.
There are many opportunities to help out around the church (especially in preparation for the festival) as well as many ministries.
Have a service or item to donate to the Church? Contact us to get started!